Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Long time never blog, because feeling bad and busy with the works recently. I guess I only use this blog to post sad things? Why when I upset then only think of something to write here? Have been tired of this kind of feeling lar... Just wonder is that the way i ask question got problem? Why I always got the same answer which is unclear and uncertain? Or maybe it's the common way how people decline you, just that I don't aware it only. Are you trying to tell me give up? If it is, I prefered a straight answer instead of indirect ways...

Sometime I feel missing someone is just same like taking drugs. Once you fall into someone, is like you start addicted to drug. While you're thinking of that person and missing it so much, it's an uncontrollable compulsion to need the drugs. When you can see the person you wish to see then only feeling you got the drugs in hand, if you don't get it, you will start suffering and feeling been tortured. There is always a choice (words taken from Spider Man 3), if you choose to have drugs, then you deserve what you feel at that moment. But if you don't want that feeling appears, get away from there...

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